Hi there, we hope you are all staying warm!?
I'm so happy to announce that this is our first newsletter after a long break after Covid! We just wanted to say 'hello' and welcome back! Thank you in anticipation for reading & we hope that you enjoy our upcoming content.
Our last newsletter included a brand new blog with info on demolishing granny flats & garages, plus our social media pic of the month. Have a look when you get a chance.

G'Day & look forward to catching up with you in our next newsletter! 

Do you have a granny flat or garage sitting unused? Or no longer fit for purpose and in need of more space?

We can help with any type of demolition, big or small so that your home can fulfil the needs of you and your family.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn and like us on Facebook to keep up to date with all of our exciting news.
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