
  • Published: Tuesday, 4 April 2017
  • Times read: 3687

We talk about Piling a lot as it’s something that goes hand in hand with a demolition, excavation and construction project but to the untrained, or unfamiliar person, you may be wondering what Piling actually means and why is it needed.

What is piling?

Piling is an essential part of any construction project and forms the very basis of the build. It is the crucial support needed for any kind of structure. Especially when deep excavation is undertaken in the close proximity of neighbouring buildings or the foundation ground is not suitable to support the structure alone.

The process works by inserting large amounts of wood, steel or concrete into the soil. The deep insertion of these elements ensures a sturdier base for the construction project to take place.

There are many factors to take into consideration before the piling process can actually happen though, some of which include; soil conditions and depth, depth and diameter of holes required and the underlying rock type.

What are the different types of piling?

There are many different types of piles, some of which include:

  • Contiguous Piles & Secant
  • CFA Piles (Grout, Concrete Injected)
  • Bored Piling
  • Sheet Piling
  • Screw Piling
  • Driven Piling
  • Micro/Mini Piling
  • Pile Testing

Here at DIG IT we offer our expertise and workmanship in all of the above areas. In addition, we offer services in a number of other areas that support the piling process such as:

What are capping beams?

Capping Beams form the top “cap” of the finished piers, providing an additional structural support to tie the top of the piles together and form a solid wall.

The function of a Capping Beam is two-fold:

  • To prevent or inhibit lateral displacement of the installed retaining piles or columns during the excavation process
  • To transfer vertical structural loads from the building when constructed to the piles, columns or retaining structures, which can include shotcrete
What is shotcreting?

Shotcrete is perfectly suited to vertical shoring requirements such as piled retaining walls. With the introduction of rows of ground anchors holding back each excavated level, shotcrete offers the final structural element of retention and also the final finished basement walls for safe, rapid construction.

Shotcrete offers:
  • Rapid application
  • Remote placement
  • High strength
  • Low permeability
  • Excellent bond
  • High durability
What is anchoring & walers?

Ground anchors are needed to transfer the horizontal load acting on a retaining wall, back into the ground or rock where the anchor is fixed. In simple terms, the anchors will hold the retaining wall in place.

This process itself involves a metal bar being inserted into a pre-drilled hole in the ground. The metal bar is encased in cement grout which fixes the anchor in place as it hardens. One end of the anchor goes into the slope behind the retaining wall and the other end is set into the retaining wall itself.

A ground anchor is a device that is designed to support structures, excavations, slopes, embankments and is used in geotechnical and construction applications. Earth anchors can be used in either temporary or permanent applications. Typical uses for ground anchors include supporting retaining walls, retaining and shoring systems, structures, slopes, embankments and to offer lateral support for vertical structures.

Why DIG IT is the right choice for your piling needs

DIG IT are highly skilled, experienced and confident piling contractors servicing Sydney and the surrounding areas. We offer:

  • A quality service delivered in the most efficient and professional manner to ensure full customer satisfaction
  • 100% machine reliability
  • Operators that are fully compliant and have Statement of Attainments to operate machines
  • A team of experts that are available 24/7 to support you with professional advice, including a free site inspection and quote

Whether it be a commercial, residential, or industrial project, DIG IT has you covered.